fromROLLtoBAG – Horizon 2020/ICT

fromROLLtoBAG - Horizon 2020/ICT

The main objective of the project is to demonstrate how virtual design and sales technology can be exploited by the apparel industry and how, by means of such technology, consumer driven local production can be established. The enabling virtual design and sales technology together with the enabling digital manufacturing technology to be implemented and demonstrated during the project will offer the participating ICT companies and creative industry representatives (fashion and sports goods) commercial solutions and opportunity for enhancing their competitiveness in the following areas:

  • digital and mobile Internet sales
  • interactive avatars for providing inspiring shopping experience
  • 3D sales configurators and rendering
  • from‐roll‐to‐bag consumer driven continuous local production

MIRALab contribution

MIRALab has designed and animated human-like avatars and has provided the entire platform for apparel product presentation.

Here are some examples of our contribution:

The production line

Avatar based on morphological parameters

Real time cloth simulation

Automatic creation and positioning obased on avatar morphology

Garment positioning and simulation