Integration of the animated virtual human to the craft scenario (Pilots)
Experience the craft of glassblowing

Integration of the animated virtual human to the craft scenario
Context : Narrations in the Glass museum (CNAM – Paris)
- A dedicated space at the CNAM museum in Paris invites you to experience the craft of glassblowing and use actual glassblowing tools.
- The avatar is acting as the glassblowing virtual human

Experience the craft of silk weaving

Integration of the animated virtual human to the craft scenario
Context : : Narrations in the Silk museum of Krefeld (Germany)
The Virtual character has a role of museum guide and narrator integrated into a dedicated application for presenting the craft history

Experience the craft of Mastic production

Integration of the animated virtual human to the craft scenario
Context : : Narrations in Chios Mastic Museum
AR application has been built to augment exhibits of the Chios Mastic Museum.
Viewing the machines through the museum’s tablets, the visitors can see VHs standing next to them, ready to share their stories and explain the functionality of the respective machines.

- Cadi Yazli, N, Baka, E, Magnenat-Thalmann, N, Kaplanidi, D, Partarakis, N, Karuzaki, E, et al. Modeling craftspeople for cultural heritage: A case study. Comput Anim Virtual Worlds. 2022;e2075.
- Karuzaki, E., Partarakis, N., Patsiouras, N., Zidianakis, E., Katzourakis, A., Pattakos, A., Kaplanidi, D., Baka, E., Cadi, N., Magnenat-Thalmann, N. and Ringas, C., 2021. Realistic Virtual Humans for Cultural Heritage Applications. Heritage, 4(4), pp.4148-4171.
- https://doi.org/10.1002/cav.2075Zabulis, X.; Partarakis, N.; Meghini, C.; Dubois, A.; Manitsaris, S.; Hauser, H.; Magnenat Thalmann, N.; Ringas, C.; Panesse, L.; Cadi, N.; Baka, E.; Beisswenger, C.; Makrygiannis, D.; Glushkova, A.; Padilla, B.E.O.; Kaplanidi, D.; Tasiopoulou, E.; Cuenca, C.; Carre, A.-L.; Nitti, V.; Adami, I.; Zidianakis, E.; Doulgeraki, P.; Karouzaki, E.; Bartalesi, V.; Metilli, D. A Representation Protocol for Traditional Crafts. Heritage 2022, 5, 716-741. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage5020040
- Hauser H, Beisswenger C, Partarakis N, Zabulis X, Adami I, Zidianakis E, Patakos A, Patsiouras N, Karuzaki E, Foukarakis M, Tsoli A. Multimodal Narratives for the Presentation of Silk Heritage in the Museum. Heritage. 2022;5(1):461.
- Carre, A.L., Dubois, A., Partarakis, N., Zabulis, X., Patsiouras, N., Mantinaki, E., Zidianakis, E., Cadi, N., Baka, E., Thalmann, N.M. and Makrygiannis, D., 2022. Mixed-Reality Demonstration and Training of Glassblowing. Heritage, 5(1), pp.103-128.
- Ringas, C., Tasiopoulou, E., Kaplanidi, D., Partarakis, N., Zabulis, X., Zidianakis, E., Patakos, A., Patsiouras, N., Karuzaki, E., Foukarakis, M. and Adami, I., 2022. Traditional Craft Training and Demonstration in Museums. Heritage, 5(1), pp.431-459.