is one of the most realistic female humanoid social robot around the worldand she looks and act incredibly lifelike—being modelled on Prof Nadia MagnenatThalman. This robot has a realistic human appearance and a natural skinand hair.She has also very realistic hands. Nadine is a socially intelligent robot who isfriendly, greets you back, makes eye contact, and remembers all the nice chats youhad with her. She is able to answer questions in several languages, show emotionsboth in her gestures and in her face depending on the content of the interaction withthe user. Nadine can recognize people she has previously met and engage inflowing conversation. Nadine is also fitted with a personality, meaning her mood cansour depending on what you say to her. Nadine has a total of 27 degrees of freedom(dof) for facial expressions and upper body movements. She can recognise anybodyshe has met, and remembers facts and events related to each person. Nadine is theideal companion whennobody is there. She can assist people with special needs,read stories, show images, put on skype sessions, send emails, and communicatewith the family. She is part of the human assistive new technology which is badlyneeded as society cannot afford a full time social worker for each person with specialneeds. She can play the role of a personal, private coach always available whennobody is there.